Knitting and Crochet Blog


Oh Look at the Baby!

I bet you can not guess what I did today…. I got to visit a local Alpaca Farm! The Blackberry Hill Farm to be exact. I know you are jealous but she will have a shop open in September where you can get roving, Fleece, knitted/crochet goods, yarn and many many more wonderful little cute things.

 I really enjoyed it. I took my mother and youngest along for the adventure. I have always thought Alpacas were pretty animals but up close they are even more eloquent. I wish I got better picture but I can always go back.

We got to feed some of them and even though they seems like big teddy bears they you can run up to and hug they are not. They are VERY gentle though just somewhat skiddish. They did better with my little red head I think because he was more their size. One of them even nudged his head which make him laugh. Mrs. Debra was very excited to talk about her babies and tell me some of the process that gets the fleece from the animals to us spinners/fiber people. It was very interesting to know that she hand picks the veggie matter from the fleece before she enters them to be judged. The wall in the store was lined with ribbons from her little herd and filled with pictures. I had some favorites from her heard. They were all really pretty but I really loved Casper, he has the prettiest eyes. They are white with a blue center and a black line across. They told me usually when they are like that they are death but luckily he was not. I also loved Chocolate Marshmellow… I would love to make a sweater from his pretty dark brown/redish coat. Then I can say I was wearing Chocolate Marshmellow how cool would that be. There was also a female that was black and had some white on her head, she was so pretty. I really would love some of her fleece too. I just found out her name is Sage! Speaking of fleece…. I know they will be selling some of it soon if anyone is interested. The picture bellow is a little something I got when I was there. The White Alpaca looks cute in my yarn room and the smallest is a finger puppet alpaca. I mean really how could I resist.

This is an example of the roving she will have with her at the show in September. She also has set that come with a drop spindle. This was a pretty brownish color but she also has this heather grey that I loved. Such a great color for anything and anyone! I also saw these sweaters she had from Alpaca and cotton that had the cuttiest little designs on them.

If you would like to find out more about her and her farm of woolly babies she can be reached on Facebook by clicking this link:
Please go to her Facebook Page and like it spread the word and comment on her page I sent you 🙂

She also can be reached at:
Blackberry Hill Alpacas
6330 Saks Rd
Saks Alabama 36206


I found more pictures I took.

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