yarning Kim

Fueled by Faith, love, coffee and fibery goodness. 🧶


My #KnitLifeSurvey [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNmzRyYqqd8&w=320&h=266] I learned about this from The Knitter’s Gotta Knit Podcast that can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0iEq5wEY0JdbwJD2L28GWQ and hosted by Awesomegrannie and ImAKnitphomaniac I will be tagging:1.knittygirl (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJDbPlnkyTNHLiG98NC0Mrw/…)2.MarlyBird (https://www.youtube.com/user/MarlyBird)3.NinjaChickens (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAD9nXwNEMvaN6mzVEAwYrw)4.Molly A HomeSpun House (https://www.youtube.com/user/HomespunPodcast)5.Bumblebee Acres bumblebeeacres (https://www.youtube.com/user/bumblebeeacres)6. Little Skein in the Big Stash freeflower littleskeinanne(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb24z9CZySKgtJLM00VSfsA) When you post your video please use #KnitLifeSurvey to promote it and please mention the person who tagged you. It’s a great way to

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How does Color inspire you? (This post contains a spoiler of the Voyager MKAL from Jimmy Beans Clue 1)

Color is so inspiring and so daunting at the same time. It is everywhere and can make or break a project. It allows us to stay in our comfort zone or can break us free. It can brighten our mood or bring it down. Colors can also be used to define us and they can

How does Color inspire you? (This post contains a spoiler of the Voyager MKAL from Jimmy Beans Clue 1) Read More »

Knit the Sky

I recently got this amazing book from Storey Publishing by Lea Redmond called Knit the Sky. The book is written in an interesting way, it is not your typical pattern book. Lea has written this amazing creative adventure for you and your yarn to go on. The book has many different projects and while there

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